Sound Healing for Reconnecting With Universal Power – Pitbull Mindset

Sound Healing for Reconnecting With Universal Power


Dec 21

'You have Universal Power within you. When you reconnect with this power and unleash it, you are capable of creating whatever world you wish to create for yourself and others. This sound healing meditation will help you to do that.'

Click Below To download the mp3 audio and transcript

You came from Universal Source and Power and you have that power within you now.

Suspend disbelief for a moment and imagine you have the infinite source of Universal Power to command however you wish.

  • How is your life different?
  • What action do you take?
  • What do you create?
  • How do you think?
  • Do you feel stressed, anxious, fearful, upset, frustrated, uncertain anymore?
  • What things do you do differently?
  • How do you feel?

What if this could be your reality?

I’m here to tell you that the truth is that you do have Universal Power within you waiting to be unleashed. All you need to do is release all the paradigms, stories, belief systems and fears that are preventing you from connecting with this truth.

Marianne Williamson said we are more afraid of our light than our darkness, and she’s right.

We know at a soul level just how powerful we are, and this frightens us. Responsibility comes with power, what if we get it wrong?

When you connect with Universal Power, you cannot get it wrong.

Universal Power is infused with unconditional love, compassion, understanding, humility, wisdom and forgiveness.

When you acknowledge, accept and embrace your true power, the world is yours to command, and you will bring a light to the world that is beyond anything you could possibly imagine.

Listen to this sound healing regularly to reconnect with your Universal Power and expand your consciousness.

One of the other most powerful ways to change your emotional state is with Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as EFT Tapping. You can release negative emotions quickly and permanently, and increase positive emotions just by using this simple tapping technique.

If you’ve enjoyed this healing and would like to download the mp3 recording so you can take them with you everywhere, click the link below.

Marguerita Vorobioff