EFT Tapping for Network Marketing and MLM – Pitbull Mindset

EFT Tapping for Network Marketing and MLM


Feb 07

Network Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) companies have a bad rap and often cause a negative response from people. Today's EFT Tapping video focuses on reframing this business model and release fear, anxiety and limiting beliefs about it. 

EFT Tapping For Network Marketing & Multi-Level Marketing MLM

Find Out How To Set Yourself Free With The Revolutionary Business Model That is Changing The Game For Network Marketers All Over The World

Network Marketing and Multi-level Marketing (MLM) is a powerful business model that has helped to set tens of thousands of people around the world free.

Unfortunately these businesses often cause an immediate negative emotional response from prospects and distributors alike.

The industry has been very maligned, and not without reason.

Traditionally, only a small percentage of people are successful in Network Marketing, because the model is incomplete and doesn't teach the right skills and strategies for most people to be successful.

Whilst the business model is sound, often the strategies to promote the business cause distributors to feel stress, anxiety and even fear about their business. I certainly remember feeling this way when I was introduced to Network Marketing many years ago and I failed miserably in my original businesses.

Today's EFT Tapping video will help you to reframe this business, understand what you need to do to be successful, and clear your fears, anxiety, stresses and limiting beliefs around this powerful business model. 

The standard practices of calling all your friends and family, approaching strangers, prospecting everyone within 3 feet of you (commonly known as the 3 feet rule) set people up to fail because they lack the skills and confidence to pull that off successfully, and they're approaching the wrong people. Not to mention the overwhelming fear of rejection people experience.

These outdated strategies also changes the dynamic of relationships and even causes people to lose friends, which is really unfortunate and completely unnecessary.

With the emergence of social media, the game has changed for network marketers and by teaching the right skills and strategies, ordinary everyday people have an unprecedented opportunity to be able to create freedom and the kind of lifestyles usually reserved for the rich and famous.

These totally legitimate business models have the ability to set ordinary people free from the daily grind, so why not clear your judgements, fears and limiting beliefs, and embrace this powerful business model so you can set yourself, and your loved ones free financially!

It's entirely possible to create a 6 or even 7 figure income when Network Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing business are done right. This includes developing people correctly with: 

  • Personal development
  • Proven marketing skills and strategies
  • Education and skills development
  • Confidence building
  • Business skills and mindset
  • Strong and effective leadership
  • Community support

If you're interested in exploring a revolutionary approach to Network Marketing and Mult-Level Marketing, then click the link below to find out more about a new model that has systems and strategies using social media to promote your business globallly.

This solution is changing the game for entrepreneurs and network marketers by providing everything they need in one place to be successful.

To find out more, go here:

Find Out How To Set Yourself Free With The Revolutionary Business Model That is Changing The Game For Network Marketers All Over The World

Marguerita Vorobioff is a Mindset Mentor and Light Worker. Through energy frequency modalities such as Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT Tapping, and Sound Healing, Marguerita is able to help you release core beliefs and paradigms that are keeping you from realising your dream life or wealth, success, freedom and happiness.