Be Unshakable – Pitbull Mindset

Be Unshakable


Aug 13

Unshakable confidence is something that defines most if not all highly successful entrepreneurs. They believe in their vision and they believe in their ability to achieve that vision. This kind of confidence is developed through facing your fears, getting out of your comfort zone, and realising just how powerful and capable you are. Find out more in the video below.

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Unshakable confidence is one of the most impactful characteristics you can ever develop in your journey to success.

Your level of self-belief, self-confidence and self-worth is one of the primary determining factors of success.

Someone who has a high level of confidence in themselves and their ability to achieve their goals will not be put off by disappointments, failures, setbacks and challenges. In fact, these will just fuel the pursuit of their vision and their dreams because they will become even more committed and more determined knowing that success is potentially waiting for them on the other side of their next attempt.

None of us have a crystal ball.

None of us can know how long it's going to take to realise our vision or what challenges, failures and disappointments we will experience on the journey.

Most people are plagued by high levels of self doubt. This is a curse that stops people from really going all in on their dreams because they're more concerned with what other people think about them, and any judgement and criticism they may receive, than they are with achieving their goals. 

And self confidence is something you develop as a result of getting out of your comfort zone and taking consistent, aligned, inspired action toward your goals.

The truth is you will never have it all figured out and you will experience failures, disappointments and set backs along the way. They are an inevitable part of the journey. So remove the stigma of failure, because it's only going to hold you back. In fact, embrace the inevitability of temporary failure and see it as just feedback.

Those who work on building their confidence put less importance on these failures, disappointments and opinions of others. In fact, they become irrelevant in the pursuit of their dreams simply because their belief makes the ultimate outcome inevitable. 

Of course, one of the most powerful ways to release limiting beliefs, fears and self-doubt is using EFT Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique to clear the stories that aren't serving you. You can join the Wealth Consciousness Movement for free access to my extensive EFT Tapping library on a variety of different topics. 

I love the question 'what would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?'. That question alone obliterates the endless perfectly reasonable objections, reasons and excuses we can come up with to not pursue our dreams.

It reignites the flame of our dreams within us and dares us to imagine accomplishing something way bigger than we ever have before.

There is never a better time than right now to get out of your comfort zone and start the journey toward bringing your goals and dreams to life.

Make your dreams non-negotiable and fail your way forward, because your dreams matter.

Remember, you are infinitely powerful .................. OWN IT!!

Marguerita Vorobioff is a Conscious Business & Mindset Coach, and Light Worker. Through energy frequency modalities such as Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT Tapping, and Sound Healing, Marguerita is able to help you release core beliefs and paradigms that are keeping you from realising your dream life or wealth, success, freedom and happiness.